Where’s Stonehenge on Google Maps?

Maps and OpenStreetMap are in the news again, part silly season, and part reporting of interesting subjects from the RGS conference.

The news boils down to this:

Google maps are missing out on interesting points of interest, which is bad as maps are cool.

OpenStreetMap maps interesting points of interest, cos we like those places.

But, what I find interesting is what Ed Parsons says:

“Internet maps can now be personalised, allowing people to include landmarks and information that is of interest to them.

“Anyone can create their own maps or use experiences to collaborate with others in charting their local knowledge.

“These traditional landmarks are still on the map but people need to search for them. Interactive maps will display precisely the information people want, when they want it.

“You couldn’t possibly have everything already pinpointed.”

Which to me is clearly saying “we are not interested in putting on pubs, churches and places like Stonehenge – the web does that for us” – extra layers, GeoRSS, geotagged photos.

Search for “pubs” on maps.google and you’ll find pubs. Search for stonehenge and you’ll find stonehenge. Not much space for serendipity, and exploring a rich map, but it’s a vision of a geoweb that makes complete sense.

More evidence of the lack of competition between the big G and OpenStreetMap – OSM goes beyond the web, and ends up on paper, in people’s phones, whilst cycling and walking, on tourist maps and guide books.

So, now go out and map Bradford – record it’s history!

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